(707) 269-2058 • RCAA/NRS 904 G St. Eureka, CA 95501
Western El Dorado County Bicycle Travel Opportunities Map
Project Dates:
2015 to 2016
Funding Organizations:
El Dorado County Transportation Commission (EDCTC)
California Active Transportation Program Cycle 1

RCAA has partnered with Trailhead Labs and Trillium Solutions to support the El Dorado County Transportation Commission in developing an online and print map of bicycle facilities, trail networks and transit routes for Western El Dorado County. Both the online and print maps will promote active transportation commuting within and between communities on the western slope of El Dorado County including promoting the use of El Dorado Transit. RCAA has led the development of the print map design and layout and bicycle facility data collection. A steering committee of local agency staff, trail advocates and bicycle commuters has guided the development of the online and print maps.