Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Program

NRS has been contracted to assist the Humboldt County Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Branch on a project funded through the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS). The Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Program aims to reduce the number and severity of pedestrian and bicycle involved collisions by providing education and information about all modes of transportation to residents of the greater Eureka area. The program will support afterschool bicycle clubs for elementary and middle school youth providing on-bike instruction and guidance. The expected outcome is to increase youth interest in bicycling while educating them how to be safe on their bikes and prevent collisions. Presentations to organizations and older adults will provide education on how to be a pedestrian and bicycle friendly driver in hopes of helping all modes better interact with one another on our shared roadways. Several bicycle workshops at the Eureka Community Bike Kitchen will also be offered though this project to help provide basic bike maintenance knowledge to new bicycle owners.