Lafayette Elementary Remote Drop Off Safe Routes to School Program

The Lafayette Elementary Remote Drop Off Safe Routes to School Program was funded by the Federal Active Transportation Program from 2016 through June 2018. Its goal was to increase the number and safety of students walking and bicycling to school by using a combination of infrastructure and creative non-infrastructure strategies.
A Remote Drop Off location was selected a few blocks from the school and Humboldt County Public Works installed new infrastructure including sidewalk infill, raised crosswalks, bulbouts, and intersection redesign during the summer of 2017, transforming the neighborhood. Parents/caregivers were encouraged to drop students off and pick them up from this location as a way to promote physical activity of Lafayette youth and reduce traffic congestion in front of the school, making it safer for pedestrians and bicyclists.
NRS worked with the school and district to develop a fun and engaging education and encouragement program designed to improve health by providing more physical activity opportunities for students and families including a bike rodeo held annually in conjunction with the Marshall Family Resource Center, providing in-class pedestrian and bicycle safety education, support for the afterschool bike club, and monthly Walk to School Events.