Fortuna Active Transportation Program Safe Routes to School Program

The City of Fortuna's Active Transportation Program (ATP) Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program was developed to increase safety for Fortuna pedestrians and cyclists with the goal of encouraging more active transportation of students traveling to and from school. Funding from the ATP provided prominent infrastructure improvements around and near Toddy Thomas Middle School as well as Ambrosini Elementary School including sidewalk infill, intersection improvements, raised crosswalks, and enhanced pedestrian activated LED lighted signage. Ross Hill Road also received a 'road diet' by reducing two lanes to one in each direction to calm traffic and accommodate buffered bike lanes and a wider walking shoulder. Walking and bicycling safety education and encouragement programs were also offered at Toddy Thomas over a 2-year period that included in-class lessons, group assemblies, support for a 100 Mile Club, and district wide safety workshops. Providing opportunities for students to safely walk or bike to school gives them exercise and independence while reducing traffic congestion in front of schools. This program was designed to make school arrival and dismissal safer for students, less hectic for parents/caregivers, and provide a safe route towards downtown Fortuna for all residents in the vicinity of Toddy Thomas and Ross Hill Road.