(707) 269-2058 • RCAA/NRS 904 G St. Eureka, CA 95501
Arcata Annie & Mary Trail Connectivity Project
Project Dates:
Funding Organizations:
Caltrans Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant
RCAA is supporting community outreach and non-motorized transportation planning for the Arcata Annie & Mary Trail Connectivity Project. RCAA and the City of Arcata are collaborating with residents, schools, and businesses to create a Plan for safe walking and bicycling routes from downtown Arcata to the low-income neighborhood of Valley West and Blue Lake between the Humboldt Bay Trail and the Annie & Mary rail Trail corridor. A trail route with improvements to the Sunset Avenue 101 overpass and the Giuntoli 299 overpass is also being considered for this project. RCAA helped write the Caltrans Sustainable Communities grant that is providing funding for the project.