The Humboldt Bay Sediment Monitoring and Habitat Improvement Project was funded under a Proposition 50 grant for Non-Point Source Pollution from the State Water Resources Control Board. One of the
(707) 269-2058 • RCAA/NRS 904 G St. Eureka, CA 95501
NRS provides a full service shop that assesses site conditions; performs water quality monitoring; prepares CEQA and NEPA documents, permit applications, and SWPPPs; and oversees project implementation, compliance monitoring, and performance monitoring, including all reporting requirements. Whether for our own projects, or for our clients, NRS works with regulatory agencies to develop the necessary environmental documents to move projects forward towards implantation. Our experienced staff includes Qualified SWPPP Developers (QSD/QSP) to write and monitor stormwater water monitoring plans.
The Humboldt Bay Sediment Monitoring and Habitat Improvement Project was funded under a Proposition 50 grant for Non-Point Source Pollution from the State Water Resources Control Board. One of the